Friday, October 12, 2007

Halo carte blanche series 1: campaign

Why campaign sucks...

I have to admit, the Halo 3 commercial with Chopin playing in the background is very original and exciting. But, by the end of the ad, I am so bitter and disappointed.

Halo 3 claims to be World War 3, with the first war aliens vs. humans. I like the idea of being apart of WW3, it's a great premise. But how would you know playing the game?

The campaign is boring and just plain sucks. You go back and forth many times during it, going nowhere fast and it doesn't stick to the story. There's no worthy missions and it seems like side projects on each level. Go here. Go here. Get this. Get this. Make it part of an entire war, not just missions that seem like you're making it up on the fly.

If you play any Vietnam games, or even WW2 games, you know what you're doing and you know how it's apart of a war. Maybe that's because the war has already happened, but if you're going to great a whole war, title it WW3, have a plan and explain it to everyone ahead of time. We all know that the humans have to win in the end. Otherwise you wouldn't have a game.


Anonymous said...

"Anonymous" must feel right at home on Xbox Live, where gay = bad, sales = quality and eloquence is scarce.

The campaign had its moments, but you're right in that it lacked consistency. I wanted what Call of Duty 4 delivered. And while Bungie keeps dropping the ball on level design, Valve perfects it with gusto.

rorytmeadows said...

I have yet to be bored of any map of CoD4, yet, I was bored with Bungie's efforts after a week.