I enjoy posts on Xbox Live marketplace offering free maps for Halo 3, months after I didn't buy the maps when they first arrived on the scene. I love pressing the right directional and skipping right over it, knowing that maps will STILL not make a damn difference; the game still sucks.
Halo 3 is on top of the list on Xbox Live, yet, just remember naive users, we're in a downspike. The numbers are spread so thin because the lack of novelty. There's no big clear winner, just the game with a few more players at that time. Call of Duty STILL lasted longer than Halo 3 ever did. And it was something new for people to talk about. Halo was just the same mundane bullshit than drones and drones of moronic, uninteresting, and uninnovative players sit there and play with their homoerotic friends on a nightly basis.
Most of my gaming activity has been towards GTA4 ever since it's release, trying to get all the accomplishments and laughing quite a bit more than I usually do when playing video games. But when a particular new game comes out, the numbers will swing again and Halo will get pushed back down, just like you pushed down your younger brother's face when he annoyed the piss out of you. When Halo does have high numbers, it's kind of like AOL Instant Messenger. You knew it wasn't the best messenger out there, but you have to get it because everyone you know uses it. Same with Verizon cell phones. And Halo 4 will come out and the same drones will wait in line for a shitty game, but they will never admit it, because social psychology says people have to defend their investments by default, so they don't look foolish.
As a sidenote, I am relieved of seeing the practice of "teabagging", a video gaming act that involves a player virtually dropping their "nuts" on another player's face. For some reason, nobody has realized how homosexual it really is. Look up latent homosexuality online and maybe you'll have your answer. I'm not saying it's bad to be homosexual, but it is bad to be lying to yourself about your true lifestyle. A fraternity member teabagging a new recruit for the fraternity is a GAY ACT. Not just guys having fun. Again, look up latent homosexuality.
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Thanks for the good laugh, but I have to say, your two cents isn't even worth that.
i love how some people actually took the time to look up sites that are burning bungie, only to ultimately leave a comment saying "fuck bungie? more like fuck you!" that just makes me laugh...
i really hate bungie right now. i mean, i like to play halo, but bungie made the shittiest ranking system in the history of the world. i am a 49, and i have won 7 straight games on it, and then i lose 1, and i drop down to a 48. and bungie gives everyone else all the better spawns. like for instance, it's king of the hill on the pit. i'm losing 90 to 80, i kill the opponent when they have 98 and get my team to 90, and then THE HILL MOVES TO RIGHT WHERE THEY SPAWN!!!! it pissed the fucking shit out of me!
that's just one example that happens repeatedly. and i also hate the fact that bungie always says that cheating is always autodetected and all that bullshit, and cheaters are fucking right in their face. and if you call xbox about it, they say "i'm sorry, if you think someone's cheating, file a complaint on them.." and that's one of the MOST BULLSHIT EXCUSES they have ever come up with. i mean what the fuck is that going to do? absolutely nothing, that's what. absolutely nothing.
well i thank you for making this site, it's an awesome place for me to vent my rage towards bungie easily. i'm definitely bookmarking this page for future usage....
-JG Domeshot
yeah, halo sucks, but then again to think that call of duty is any better sounds like you are retarded.
do you even still play COD? Does anyone? There's plenty more f-cked up shit about COD4 than Halo now that the game has been out.
anyways, take some lessons on how to write because you don't even know how to argue a valid point and have it make sense. You are a horrible representative for the haters of bungie. it sounds like to are in elementary school. can we get someone who has an education on here writing about this?
lol what a dumb website. I don't care about bungie, but i've heard little kids on XBL form a better case than you. "Bungie Sux" "Halo Sux" - wow great way to put it. You've sold me with your stellar argument. Where did you learn those great writing skills?
Just because you repeat it doesn't make it true.
I have an idea for Bungie's next game. They should call it FuckBungie.net and in it people go around repeating Bungie Sucks, Bungie Sucks, halo players are gay, bungie sucks, while others laugh at them, not with them, because that's all they have. What a waste of time to put this site up. Get a life.
I love all the fucking retards calling you a loser even though they neglected to read your post. You actually made a solid argument and had no grammatical errors, like some stupidass dyslexic fuckhead incorrectly stated. Anyways, Bungie is a shitty developer. I always end up playing with commanders and brigadiers when I'm a fucking major because the ranking system matches people based on playlist rank. What a meth-induced idea. I'm not even going into the topic of lag and physics with this game. Let's just say people are always jumping around and physics.... well, the game lacks any of that. The game has too many problems to ever have been sold. They should have released their piece of shit 6 months after they did.
goddammit this kids! im complete agree with you man! halo 3 its a damn sux stupid worsth game... the graphics are terrible ugly... look at the florest of metal gear solid 3... and compare with the patetic florest from the beggin... i cant play too much of it... its horrible! the enemys die like the old enemys of doom... always on the same position...
all right... graphics isn't everything in a game. nice... its a fps... but the aim are a piece of shit! i can't aim where i want! i put the sensibility on the less value... and still can't aim! i have played gears of war 2... its a (like) fps too... and man! its so easy to aim and on the enemys!
all right kids... tell me why this game is so great?! cause... i cant understand why a game needs more cash to pay the marketing than the for development...
that's why so many peoplo love this shit! they did a brainwash! nice comercials with nice visuals... everybody will be happy seeing this... goddamn i hates this game!
i agree, but i mostly play halo 2, and its terrible so much cheating and little kids going off swaring , like really where are the parents, its been along time sence halo 2 has come out, and bungie has had alot of time to fix stuff like all those dang super bounces, and the cheating like there service is just plane terrible i think bungie is the worst company, and there halo 2 is bullshit all the way, after that i didnt even bother buying halo 3, i figured sense the had such along time to fix everything in halo 2 and they didnt/havent yet, what will be so different about halo 3?
well bungie FUCK YOU.i will never buy another game that is made / has anything to do with bungie.
lol @ this site
Halo 3 is pretty fail. I don't "hate" bungie but they do make dumb decisions. It seems they like to market towards the kids you see in rocket/swords, all-vehicle gametypes. Despite the fact that it's the competitive gaming crowd that keeps halo alive and so popular. They release dumb shit like infection, griff ball, or swords on sand trap instead of stuff to keep the hardcore fans engaged and interested in the game. I hear they just now came out with an MLG FFA playlist which they should have thought about almost 3 years ago. But what the fuck ever.
I miss halo 2.
Halo 3 is boring as fuck just go watch some MLG videos from the H2 days and compare them to now. There is no comparison in the intensity of the matches. Halo 2 put you on the edge of your seat because anything could happen. in Halo 3 the crowd waits until someone has a sniper and prays for a no scope. Aside from no scopes, there really isn't much that gets the crowd rolling in Halo 3. The crowd was never as silent in Halo 2.
Heres another guy who doesn't like halo because he thinks it's repetitive and he doesn't think that Call of duty is or any other game is at that.
Apparently or rather according to you, once you've finished a game and have done the ins-and-outs of it, then the game is shit and you must therefore taunt those who still play that particular game.
You seem to think that it is easy to come up with somthing new/innovative, well if you do then how about you invent a new story line and while your at it come up with a new way to play a game somthing other than a 1st,2nd or 3rd person shooter or RPG or Strategy and there are many more. You'll find it's quite difficult.
Most of the time people who are fans of certain things will always protest that theirs is better and that any thing opposing that fact is "gay" or "retarded", someone plays the game better than you therefore the game sucks, you don't seem to see that you might be good at somthing else, for example I'm amazing at Halo Wars (which is a strategy game made by the late Ensemble studio) but I'm absolutly terrible at the Gears of War games. And there will always be assholes on games who will increase your hatred towards that game, sometimes people think a game sucks when a game lags, well that happens because they have a bad connection.
Granted Bungie has a flawed ranking system but what game doesn't? Call of Duty's ranking system is based on the more you play the more exp you get, it is not at all a reflection on a players skill.
Furthermore I find it distasteful that you would badmouth a company for having a few bugs, Alot of games have bugs theres always bugs and there are in fact alot more companies who do alot worse, I've done some research and found that companies like EA (and you will find alot of material on this) who are far worse than Bungie.
In conclusion you have a right to your opinion as any other person does but who are you to slander other people opinions! Just think about what I have said.
I like many, bought the Reach:Legendary Edition because it was to be LIMITED. So I shelled out the money before release, no big deal. Just went to Amazon and you can pick it up for 70 bucks. Limited my ass, eff you Bungie!
Well i just bought halo 3 yesterday becouse i am real late on getting a xbox but one of the first games i bought was Call of duty 4 i have to say that know playing both i like cod better halo is fun dont get me wrong but i agree with alot of what this guy says
the reason everyone here is complaining about the ranking system is because they probably cant get above 20 highest skill and they are getting made fun of for being a staff captain. The ranking is better than cod, it takes no skill to become a 10th prestige anyone could do it, at least in halo 3 ranking shows if someone was good or not.
Bungie constantly sets me up for terrible matches in Reach. My teammates are ussually these people: An idiot, a team-killing douche, and 1 guy who doesn't even do anything. On the other hand, the other team has 2 no life players, an aimbot, and the hacker who programed it. Hell, I even have a screenshot of a guy shooting me through a wall at Sword Base, how the fuck do you explain that? And the quit ban is unfair. I was put on probation as soon as I got Reach, I didn't even play any fucking matches yet. So when most or all of my team quits, I can either A: Wait the match out, with no chance of winning. Or B: Get banned because I don't like option A. The DMR is an over-glorified piece of shit that losses all of its accuracy when you need it most, even if you pace your shots. Not only that, but the game revolves around it, everyone is forced to use it in almost every match. The voting system sucks because not only does it always offer the same shitty forge world maps over and over, but everyone almost always votes for them, no matter what. The Cage has nothing strategical about it, unless you consider racing for the rocket launcher a strategy. The Blood Gultch remake has a bunch a vehicles and virtually no heavy weapons to combat them. There is ONE plasma launcher, and when it is used its like: "Oh look, several glowing balls are floating to my tank. I'll just move a few inches to the left/right and they'll miss me." And the Pinnacle, HOLY MOTHERFUCKER the Pinnacle is the worst map of ANY shooter game. Its a dream-come-true for campers, featuring a tower and a ditch to practice the art cheap tactics. There are some forge world maps that are really good but no one ever votes for them. Ever. All of the other maps are just chunks of areas from the campaign and on those maps the winner is determined by whoever has the energy sword. Think about this! Halo is a SHOOTER, and one of the most powerful weapons is a SWORD. WHAT THE FUCK. So in conclusion, Bungie is a company who manipulates their game to make it wonderful for a select few, by screwing everyone else. They suck at making decent weapons and are even worse at creating maps, and in general they're just a bunch of douchebags who lowered gaming standards. 343i has done a much better job with Halo, both multiplayer and story, than Bungie ever could. And one more thing, TO ALL OF YOU DUMBASSES WHO BLINDLY DEFEND BUNGIE: You people are a bunch of scumbags who disgrace gamers everywhere. If you all love Bungie so much, then why don't you go suck their dicks? If you're going to act like their bitches, you might as well be their bitches.
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